The Graduate

The Graduate
Must See film No. 1!

Welcome to my exciting new film blog!

Hello friends and film lovers
After hundreds and hundreds of films over the past 3 decades and much film banter, critique and recommendations, I thought it was about time I started this blog. I will start to list my 'must see films' as well as blog reviews from any film I see from here on. I look forward to your being part of my blog community, your comments and feedback on all things FILM!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Informant

I really do love it when a handsome actor allows himself to be frumpy and daggy, and I'm not talking about Russell Crowe. While he's made a career out of elephant like characters, he's certainly not one of my favourites! I'm talking about Matt Damon. My good friend Rob asked me this morning if he's ever done a bad film. While I was able to conjure up the film he starred in with Greg Kinnear as co-joined brothers (which actually was watchable to the end but please don't rush out to get this from the weekly shelf too soon!), Matty is really consistent and always so good in the roles he plays. I knew I'd enjoy this flick - as I tend to really like office type dramas/comedies with a twist - see All the Presidents Men and the more recent Shattered Glass for two good ones. I loved the styling of this film, very early 90s drab glam. And the music was whimsical and silly but that totally matched what we were seeing on screen. I don't want to give too much away as it's really worth seeing and now I'm compelled to google this chap who certainly got himself into a lot of hot water by trying to do what he thought was the right thing. Pretty forgettable overall, but like the road-trip Maccas burger and fries - a reliable pleaser that's not too heavy if you're in the right mood. 3/5.


  1. Congrats on getting the blog going just in time for a new decade of film :)
    I'm really looking forward to Matt's next film - Invictus. A Clint Eastwood film about South Africa's Rugby World Cup victory in which Nelson Mandela was so pivotal. Matt is captain and Morgan Freeman plays Nelson. Matt transforms his 'load' into pure muscle! He looks like a Little Britain sketch!
    Looking forward to joining you on a few fun movie nights in 2010.

  2. eeeee! Thanks for my first Blog Comment Duncs. Will be a great way for us to stay in touch....
